Terms and conditions
WEB STANDORT: http://www.teamcapadif.com CAPADIF.COM
The customer chooses with l' helps of the electronic catalogue the products and services qu' it wishes to acquire and transmits its order to leave d' a purchase order available on the site to be validated according to the instructions. Very order taking to the title d' a product appearing within the online shop of site CAPADIF.COM TEAMCAPADIF.COM supposes the preliminary consultation of these general terms. Consequently, the consumer recognizes perfectly informed being owing to the fact that its agreement concerning the contents of these general terms does not require the handwritten signature of this document, insofar as the customer wishes to order on line the products presented within the framework of the shop of the Web site. The consumer has faculty to safeguard or d' to publish the present general terms, being specified that as well safeguard as l' edition of this document concern its only responsibility. In this direction, the consumer is considered to accept without reserve l' entirety of the provisions envisaged under these general terms.
The prices of the products and services invoicees are those being reproduced on the electronic catalogue at the time of the order. The selling prices s' hear in price Net (VAT 21% included), except exemption for the products constituting a purchase of net of tax (all the approved products road are invoicees HT you will have discharged VAT of your country with the center of your taxes with the invoice provided by CAPA DIFFUSION). A share in the expenses of delivery, if she is asked, is clearly mentioned on the form of final validation as well as the entire amount to pay.

Für Länder außerhalb Europas, aufzukaufen Mehrwertsteuer durch die Registrierung auf der Website mit Ihrem Unternehmen für die Steuernummer oder Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer
für Einzelpersonen, Reisepassnummer oder Personalausweisnummer, einmal registriert mailen Sie uns für die Preise ohne Mehrwertsteuer
für Einzelpersonen, Reisepassnummer oder Personalausweisnummer, einmal registriert mailen Sie uns für die Preise ohne Mehrwertsteuer
The approved vehicles are sold HT except Spain, you will owe acquiter of the VAT of your country on the price of the scooter, quad or Go Kart, For all sales HT the n° will intra Community is required for the companies and N° of chart identity or passport for the private individuals, this information is obligatorily noted on the invoice accompanying the sale by the vehicle.
a fixed price of port is calculated at the end of the order according to the poid, volume (dimensions of the paperboards packing pocket bike: We put a more consequent weight to have the tariff transport with volume owing to the fact that our software of the site does not calculate the surplus of with dimensions of the parcels) and the destination: forwarding by conveyor, the n° of parcel is communicated to you at the time of l' forwarding. If you are absent the conveyor must leave you a transit advice note, thus you can contact it for a request for relivraison or you can withdraw your goods with the deposit of this one on your area, has to see with the conveyor, the coordinates and n° of parcel is transmitted to you during the delivery.
Für Europa werden die Produkte und Dienstleistungen vom Spediteur innerhalb von 5 bis 15 Werktagen an die vom Kunden angegebene Adresse geliefert (mit Ausnahme der Produkte, die mit Reservierungsfristen angegeben wurden, sollten Sie wissen, dass wir nicht alle Produkte haben können Ersatzteile auf Lager Angesichts der Vielfalt, der Bestellungen unserer Kunden, der Anzahl und der Ersatzteile, die sich je nach Fahrzeugjahr ändern, füllen wir jede Woche unsere Lieferanten und unser Lager in Shanghai auf. Capa SSH FORTUNE sendet INT 'L 328 Haitan Road 1 20000 SHANGHAI, wo wir den Pufferbestand haben, kann die Vorlaufzeit zwischen 15 und 40 Tagen liegen. Der Absender behält sich das Recht vor, andere Lieferungen innerhalb der angegebenen Fristen und Kosten zu verwenden. Die Lieferzeiten können bei Routing-Schwierigkeiten, Lagermangel oder Urlaubszeiten variieren, die dann per E-Mail an den Kunden benachrichtigt werden. Bestellungen können teilweise aus dem verfügbaren Lager geliefert werden, der Rest wird höchstens bearbeitet schnell abhängig von der Wiederauffüllung Die Arbeitstage umfassen keine Wochenenden und Feiertage. Bei internationalen Lieferungen können die Lieferzeiten je nach Produkt und Region um mehrere Wochen variieren.
Für Europa werden die Produkte und Dienstleistungen vom Spediteur innerhalb von 5 bis 15 Werktagen an die vom Kunden angegebene Adresse geliefert (mit Ausnahme der Produkte, die mit Reservierungsfristen angegeben wurden, sollten Sie wissen, dass wir nicht alle Produkte haben können Ersatzteile auf Lager Angesichts der Vielfalt, der Bestellungen unserer Kunden, der Anzahl und der Ersatzteile, die sich je nach Fahrzeugjahr ändern, füllen wir jede Woche unsere Lieferanten und unser Lager in Shanghai auf. Capa SSH FORTUNE sendet INT 'L 328 Haitan Road 1 20000 SHANGHAI, wo wir den Pufferbestand haben, kann die Vorlaufzeit zwischen 15 und 40 Tagen liegen. Der Absender behält sich das Recht vor, andere Lieferungen innerhalb der angegebenen Fristen und Kosten zu verwenden. Die Lieferzeiten können bei Routing-Schwierigkeiten, Lagermangel oder Urlaubszeiten variieren, die dann per E-Mail an den Kunden benachrichtigt werden. Bestellungen können teilweise aus dem verfügbaren Lager geliefert werden, der Rest wird höchstens bearbeitet schnell abhängig von der Wiederauffüllung Die Arbeitstage umfassen keine Wochenenden und Feiertage. Bei internationalen Lieferungen können die Lieferzeiten je nach Produkt und Region um mehrere Wochen variieren.
See Ci below: The customer will owe s' to ensure of the good state of the delivery. In the event of noted or supposed damage, it is up to the customer to refuse the delivery and d' in informing CAPA DIFFUSION by registered letter AR within a 48 hours maximum delay.
CAPA DIFFUSION will endeavour to satisfy the requests of the customer and d' to carry out the orders of products and services of this last. However, CAPA DIFFUSION will not be held d' to accept all the orders of the site http://www.capadif.com http://www.capadif.com and will not be able to see its committed responsibility with l' regard of the customer in the event of delay of delivery or nontemporary or permanent availability of products and services. the photographs on the site are contractual and the models can presented certain differences of to l' evolution of the product by manufacturing. for the choice of the colors it is imperative to choose an additional color in which case CAPA DIFFUSION will deliver the color in stock available without for that informing the customer of it.
You will be refunded paid sums, n the other hand of the reforwarding of the goods to your expenses in the thirty (30) days with reception by CAPA DIFFUSION and under condition that the product evening in its state and packing d' origin. Refunding by credit transfer or recrédit of the accounts paypal and CB, refunding can s' to carry out so not delivery of the country, error on the order, cancellation of the order by l' purchaser. Times following refunding l' L121-20-3 article of the code of consumption. We commit ourselves providing you whole satisfaction for l' together of our products and services. In accordance with the legislation governing the mail-order selling in force for the sale on line, you have the possibility of turning over us n' import which article in the 30 days following the delivery date while being completely refunded price of l' article concerned (the expenses of delivery are not refunded). However the articles not corresponding to your waiting must be to us turned over to l' new state in their packing d' origin. All returns must be beforehand required by email with contact@capadif.com, a n° of return will then be allotted. All returns of goods without n° of return will be automatically refusés.les turned over parts will have to be accompanied by the copy of your invoice, d' a detailed list and a summary of the problem
The responsibility for CAPA DIFFUSION could not be committed in the case of major force such as strikes, fires, natural disasters, or others, this list n' not being exhaustive. PAYMENT: (cash payment with the order only) The payment of the products and services can s' to carry out either by banking transfer (transfer) or by bank card to the order in made safe mode, CAPA DIFFUSION remains owner of the delivered products and reserves the right to carry out their recovery by all means placed at its disposal in the event of failure of the final payment. via Paypal which is the World leader of the payments made safe on line
For the transfers, with reception on our account, we inform you of the good reception of this one in order to put your order in delivery.
The not approved machines should not be used on the public highway: this type of product must be used on private way or circuit only authorized.
Produits Importation documentations is generally in the language of the countries been essential to know Spain or English.
The responsibility for CAPA DIFFUSION could not be committed for all the disadvantages or damage inherent in the use of the ordered material. Only l' purchaser by accepting these conditions of sale becomes responsible with whole share on l' qu' use; it will make ordered material. L' purchaser before d' to use its material will owe s' to ensure d' a good performance of its mechanical machine and to carry out the adjustments necessary before use (adjustment tension chains, cable-making, screws and bolts, mechanics) We point out qu' to you; a mechanical minimum of knowledge is required for l' purchase of these products on Internet, these products arrive not gone up it is thus necessary to take all the precautions during the assembly of the sensitive elements. That for the small breakdowns or ignorance you will have to call upon a professional close to on your premise (with your load that hears).
The quad is delivered to you prefabricated. For reasons d' obstruction some parts like the wheels, the handlebar and the rear view mirrors must be gone up by l' purchaser.
If l' purchaser then does not have necessary competences with the assembly it will belong to him to make it sub-contract with his expenses auprès d' a professional.
L' purchaser will support all the consequences d' possible errors of assembly being ascribable to him.
The guarantees at all do not cover the consequences of such errors of assembly.
It also belongs to l' purchaser to check the levels: d' oil, of liquid of cooling, liquid of braking. L' purchaser will support all the consequences in case d' use of the material with levels d' oil, of liquid of cooling, liquid of braking inappropriate.
The buggys are delivered prefabricated in a large case. This one contains the tubular chassy with the engine installed.
The transmission, the brakes, the gear box, and the electrical circuits are also installed and preset in factory.
You will have to then complete the assembly by fixing in particular the suspensions, the wheels, the seats, the belts, the arches, the tank d' gasoline, the radiator, rear view mirrors, indicators, the wheel, the battery, protections out of fabrics, the roof and the doors luggage. It is necessary to check l' together tightenings and levels before each use. Failing this l' user would support all the possible consequences of them
All the approved vehicles are provided with COC (certificate European homologation) DUA (copy of the customs duty acquity by CAPA DIFFUSION) Invoice CAPA DIFFUSION, or will be noted your n° identity (n° chart identity or n° passport) at the time of l' establishment of your invoice
12 Months of guarantee for the products if the guarantee n' is specified in the card not produced:
CAPA DIFFUSION engage to replace or repair (quad, scooters, machines mechanics, electric) having an undeniable manufacturing defect under certain conditions:
- The product is turned over by conveyor in his packing d' origin with the expenses of the customer after agreement written of CAPA DIFFUSION, no Pocket bike turned over by the post office will not be accepted
- In the absence of stock, a refunding is possible if our tests show a manifest defect of manufacture. The time of refunding is d' one month with reception of the product.
- It is advised to test your product as of its reception.
- In all the cases: the return of an article must be done with the agreement written of CAPA DIFFUSION.
The defective pieces of the products under guarantee are replaced with reception of the return in our warehouses
Attention at the time of l' forwarding of the Service after sale, you are informed by email, many parts in forwarding service after sale, are turned over to us by the conveyor reason customer absent, of share these reasons we will ask you to regulate the port of the second sending before forwarding by CB or Paypal.
We recall that the products are guaranteed parts in return to our warehouse, after reception an exchange is proceeded according to stock available
Any parcel turned over without our prior agreement will be refused and turned over automatic to the customer to his expenses the turned over parts will have to be accompanied by the copy of your invoice, d' a detailed list and a summary of the problem in which case the parcel will be refused Do not return in line of guarantee, Détérioration and missing part due to transport, as specified previously it is imperative to check your goods with reception in the presence of the conveyor and to refuse in the event of incomplete or deteriorated product, misuse of the product (driving adulterated, deterioration caused by accidental fall during its use, bad oil or gasoline proportioning, modification of the vehicle with elements not d' origin, deterioration of the machine following a bad assembly, we point out qu' it is necessary to check all the parts known as significant of your machine (arrived hose connection electric gasoline, elements, mechanical greasing and d' there to bring all the precautions necessary). Fair wear and tear of the machine elements. the batteries of the products does not return in guarantee Our Products are dispatched in full safety by Transporteur, By batch: under pallet filmed with n° of follow-up or telephone of the Conveyor
The Service after sale is dispatched by conveyor, costs free carriage at the time of the guarantee, we communicate N° of parcel to you, nevertheless all SAS which are turned over to us by the conveyor for reason customer absent or refusal will be put in authority and will be reforwarded in agreement only with the customer who will have to regulate the carriage costs in advance. For all questions: Contact@capadif.com
The retailers and distributors ensure them even the guarantee towards their final customers, no guarantee because of the price very low n' is given on l' together of the range of the motorized machines, they ensure their whole responsibility for the sale for these products.
The customer lays out d' a right d' access, of modification and suppression of the data which relate to it (art.34 law " Data processing and Libertés"). For l' to exert, you address to CAPA DIFFUSION or with contact@capadif.com the only information collected in the form of cookie relates to the references of the products and services ordered and a number d' generated identifier in a random way.
General information. These limits are controls by the laws d' Spain and all the conflicts will be decided only by the Courts of the province of Girone Spain.
Information: any copies images or texts of this site without written authorization of our share raises of data-processing piracy and is reprehensible by the laws in force.
copyright@ capadif.com
CAPA DIFFUSION Bureaux: Villa Limon tree 2, Calle Aljambra 04800 ALBOX (Almeria) Spain
Tél: 00 34 950 523 443
NIF 17821505